Who are we

Fundación Indal is a non-profit institution, incorporated on September 4, 2012 in Valladolid (Spain) and founded by a group of Indal shareholders belonging to the Arias family, former owner of the firm, as the best way to thank Indal staff for so many years of work and successes, which has indeed contributed in a meaningful way to the fulfillment of the corporate operation with Philips by way of which Indal has joined the said organization.

Several options were considered and it was finally deemed as a more attractive and more valuable idea to set up a tool to carry out long-term action plans for those employees and their families most in need. The focus is placed on key aspects of personal and professional development such as training and education, without forgetting other needs such as welfare intervention, promoting entrepreneurship, research support, etc.

The Foundation is registered at the Spanish Registry of Foundations of the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs and its registered office is Camino del Cabildo 114, 47009 Valladolid, Spain.